
java jdbc中文是什么意思

  • 数据库连接池总结



  • 例句与用法
  • Java jdbc stored procedures only determine the driver that is used for the stored procedure during
    Java jdbc存储过程只能决定在存储过程的运行时
  • As a result the final code of bulk feed simulator has a lot less lines of source code than if it is written in pure java jdbc
    因此,批量输入仿真器的最终代码比用纯java jdbc所编写的源代码要少很多。
  • At first neo wanted to write it in pure java jdbc but the tedious type declaration , edit compile test cycle would have taken quite a chunk of his precious development time
    开始, neo希望用纯java jdbc编写该仿真器,但是冗长的类型声明、编辑/编译/测试周期将占用他大量宝贵的开发时间。
  • The jdbc driver used for runtime for both java sqlj and java jdbc stored procedures is determined by the javaenv statement in the wlm spas where the stored procedure executes . when the db2 home environment variable is specified , the legacy jdbc driver is used
    对于java sqlj存储过程和java jdbc存储过程,用于运行时的jdbc驱动程序都是由wlm spas中的/ / javaenv语句决定的, wlm spas也是执行存储过程的地方。
  • 推荐英语阅读
java jdbc的中文翻译,java jdbc是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译java jdbc,java jdbc的中文意思,java jdbc的中文java jdbc in Chinesejava jdbc的中文java jdbc怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
